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Repeatedly such a malfunction ... Have you given up?


○ Even if you warm your body, it gets cold immediately

〇 Easy to swell

〇 It became easier to get fat

〇 It is hard to get tired

〇 Stiff shoulders

〇Low back pain

〇 Headache

〇Difficult to walk 〇Standing up

〇Sit down and hang out

〇I'm worried about sagging 〇Sleep disorders

〇 Somehow frustrated

〇 Somehow I feel depressed 〇 My skin has become rough

〇Severe menstrual pain

〇 Irregular menstruation

〇Immune system has declined

〇 I have tinnitus

〇 Menopause

〇 Anxiety

The cause may be the disorder, skeletal distortion, and lymphatic stagnation ...! ??


I don't have to go to the hospital, but I'm not feeling well ...
Such an upset is
called "not sick" and is SOS from the mind and body.
If left untreated, it may lead to illness, so early care is recommended.

Please spend a healthy life by improving the constitution of aroma form <painless skeletal adjustment / lymphatic treatment>.


While adjusting the "skeleton" that is the foundation of the body, we perform aroma lymphatic treatment and lead to improvement of various worries.

Long course

Based on αGri-X (Alfa Grix) , which is attracting attention in the medical field such as atopy and burn treatment, we use items that do not use any petroleum-based sea surface activator, and we will provide salon care for each person. ..

* 30% OFF for the first time

In particular, we will concentrate on the areas of concern.


It can be attached as an option to all physical constitution improvement courses and parts care.

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